Voice of Vietnam hosts talk show on #WorldRadioDay

The Voice of Vietnam celebrated World Radio Day with a talk show at its headquarters in Hanoi on Monday.

The event was attended by journalists, representatives of listeners’ clubs and nearly 300 students of journalism and communication.

Themed “Radio and Peace”, this year’s World Radio Day focuses on the role of radio in promoting cohesion, sympathy, sharing, speaking out against injustice in society, and addressing conflicts and disputes toward building a peaceful and compassionate society.

The speakers included Pham Manh Hung, VOV Vice President and Chairman of VOV Journalists Association, Philomena Gnanapragasam, Director of the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD), Journalist Cong Vinh of Voice of People’s Ho Chi Minh City (VOH) and Journalist Thu Hoa of VOV Ethnic Affairs Department (VOV4).

The guest journalists talked about the opportunities, challenges, and the role of radio in promoting peace and defusing tension and conflict. They also shared stories about their profession and their passion for radio journalism.

Journalist Le Quoc Minh, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan newspaper and Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists Association, said: “The Voice of Vietnam has taken bold steps in the digital transformation process. Its radio programs were originally from the waves and now are available on the Internet platform, spreading to people in all regions as well as internationally. This approach is certainly in the right direction.”

VOV President Do Tien Sy said that VOV is always proud of the voice of conscience, the fight for the aspiration for freedom and independence, and joint efforts to build a peaceful world.

“VOV is a pioneer in innovating and modernizing the media to meet the public needs in the era of booming new kinds of media. VOV pays great attention to innovating broadcast programs to attract more investment and enhance interaction with the public, thus improving their quality and turning radio into a true companion of the public in all circumstances,” said Sy.

Hai Quang, vice president of Voice of Vietnam (VOV), in his article written on the occasion of World Radio Day, said: “Radio represents both a powerful and effective tool used to promote peace and security, whilst it plays a significant role in enhancing mutual understanding and enhancing dialogue in order to reduce conflicts.”

Earlier, in a pre-recorded video sent to the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD) to mark World Radio Day 2023, the leadership of VOV affirmed radio’s role in assisting in reducing tensions, preventing conflicts and fostering peace by acting as a tool for humanitarian communication.