ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union) and UNDRR (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) Media for DRR initiative organized two training sessions in February 2021 for Community Radio Broadcasters of Bangladesh through an online platform in cooperation with Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication (BNNRC).
The training aimed to enhance the ability of community radio broadcasters to provide useful information for climate change adaptation and disaster prevention & building the knowledge base for DRR through media for community broadcasting in Bangladesh.
There were altogether seven hours of online training divided into two streams – four hours of DRR content production and three hours of technical applications and early warning messages. A total of 60 community radio broadcasters attended the training. Natalia Ilieva of ABU welcomed the participants in both the training and Ruchi Malhotra of ABU provided all-out support for the training.
The training sessions were brief but the discussions focused on good examples of DRR stories. There was a general debrief on the seven blocks of the DRR learning hub. For this session, each participant shared their last report on a national or local disaster and saw as a group how DRR questions could have been raised and covered.
The objective was to create a more proactive approach to DRR Before joining the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) interactive session. What could their organization do to take advantage of CAP-enabled public alerting across all media? Why do they think some countries in your region have not yet implemented CAP across all types of hazards? How to turn global, macro issues into relevant, local, micro-stories and engage cross-generational audiences. For this session journalists watched an investigative piece on Palu Tsunami and discussed new ideas on disaster prevention reporting in their country. The objective was to raise the profile of DRR issues outside the news agenda with deeper, more detailed programming.
The objective was to show the participants that this is a long-term issue that would enable them to network with organizations on a global level to share ideas, projects, and materials. Storylines and potential series concepts should be discussed- the next step would be followed-up, progression meetings during the coming year. Working with key partners in-depth explanations of relevant weather events and phenomena.
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