Radio colleagues rally around Kate Ritchie

I have heard first-hand stories from radio colleagues about the kindness of Kate Ritchie, be it at work, at the ACRAs or at other industry events.An encouraging word here. A gentle show of support there.Which makes it so ironic that, when Kate herself could have done with a bit of kindness and support, her vulnerability… Read More
The post Radio colleagues rally around Kate Ritchie by Sarah Patterson appeared first on Radio Today. […]


MIX 92.6 expands to DAB+ covering South Hertfordshire in addition to FM

MIX 92.6 has launched on DAB+ in addition to its community radio FM licence in South Hertfordshire.
Station Manager Nick Hazell emphasised the strategic importance of this development, stating: “I am really delighted that we’ve been able to take this next big step in growing our local radio station.
“At a time when others are retrenching and moving away from local radio, this move makes a clear statement about how important we think it is to support and serve our local community.”
The station, previously known as Radio Verulam, has been serving the area via various methods since the 1990s.

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