Sleighs of the New: A Spotlight on 2025 Holiday Releases

Starting around Labor Day, the e-mail blasts start coming in. At a time when it is harder than ever to write a new holiday classic, or even get attention with a new version of a standard, artists in multiple formats release a steady stream of new holiday music.  This year, we’re taking a look at […] […]


Davina McCall announces discovery of a benign tumour

Davina McCall has announced she is undergoing an operation on her brain after doctors discovered a benign tumour.
The broadcaster, who has been covering on Heart Breakfast recently, shared the news on her social media that the tumour was a colloid cyst, and will be rinsed and removed in an upcoming craniotomy operation.
She said the result came as a shock to her as she thought she would ace the check up, but instead discovered she had a tumour
Davina added that it needs to come out, because if it grows it would be bad.
The former BBC Radio 2 cover presenter also shared that she only had the check up after a company offered her a health scan in return for giving a talk on the menopause.

Radiodays Europe is happening in March 2025 – use code RTY25ATH to get a discount and join us in Athens! More..

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Station Sales Week Of 11/15

Aaron Ishmael’s Mid-Century Radio purchases Classic Hip Hop “Jump 104.5” 870 KJMP Pierce/K283CN Fort Collins CO from Northeast Digital and Wireless’ Brahmin Broadcasting Corporation for $50,000. The station has been operated by Ishmael’s co-owned Loud Media since 2019 via LMA. […]


Big birthday bash planned for Bradford broadcasters

People who’ve worked in commercial radio in Bradford are being invited to a reunion to mark the 50th anniversary of the station’s first broadcast.

Anyone who was employed at what started out as Pennine Radio and later became The Pulse, is welcome at the event in September 2025.
The event – being held at a hotel in the city – will feature music and food. Organisers are urging people to book tickets for £25 per head including the buffet now, as the event is self-funding.
Spaces are though limited and more details can be obtained by emailing
The station – one of the original ILR licences – went through many incarnations and name changes over the years but remained at its original studios at Pennine House in Forster Square for most of its existence.
Mel and Brian from the Pennine Radio days are organising the event and say, “Whether you were there when the station proclaimed it was ‘Right ‘Ere’ and had a logo of a right ear, all the way up to the final days as Pulse 1 and Pulse 2 then you are welcome to come along and catch up with former colleagues.
“The station has a special place in the hearts of many who worked there and we are keen to get as many people from both the broadcasting and commercial sides of the business to come along.
“We would also love any archive photos, videos or audio recordings people might want to share, to show off on the night.”
The AM service became part of Greatest Hits Radio and Pulse 1 was rebranded as Hits Radio under current owner Bauer earlier this year.
Other names over the years have included Pennine FM, Classic Gold, Great Yorkshire Radio, Great Yorkshire Gold, Big AM and Pulse Gold.

Radiodays Europe is happening in March 2025 – use code RTY25ATH to get a discount and join us in Athens! More..

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