Government warned that introducing ads on BBC podcasts will be disastrous

There will be serious consequences for audiences if the BBC puts adverts around audio content in the UK, a coalition has warned. A group of commercial media and content businesses, including broadcasters, audio producers and publishers have written to the government about the proposals. In a letter to Lucy Frazer, Secretary of State for the […] […]


Aiir Adds WhatsApp To Studio Inbox

Aiir has announced that it is adding support to WhatsApp to its Studio Inbox, listener interaction platform. WhatsApp joins station emails, Facebook and Instagram comments, form submissions and RSS feeds in the platform. The WhatsApp integration will also allow voice notes to be used on-air after being sent directly through Studio Inbox or downloaded for […] […]


Australia’s Forrest Gump: Tim Franklin’s incredible run to join the Marty Sheargold Show

What would you do to get on your favourite radio show?Tim Franklin‘s answer was to run for more than 580 days and 24,000 kilometres around the globe, overcoming floods, snowstorms, exhaustion, wild dogs and rogue cars.Tim caught up with Triple M’s Marty Sheargold Show to discuss his incredible run.A self-confessed super fan of the show,… Read More
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Ella Carter awarded the 2024 Glenn Daniel Smooth FM Scholarship

It’s now been more than two years since the passing of much loved SmoothFM Sydney Breakfast co-host and respected journalist Glenn Daniel, but the industry still keenly feels his loss.His legacy lives on, though, with the Smooth Network announcing Ella Carter as the the recipient of the 2024 Glenn Daniel Smooth FM Scholarship.Ella is currently… Read More
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With music, length matters

You probably already know this but new songs are getting shorter. 20% of the nominated songs in this year’s Grammy Awards came in at under three minutes.Since 1990, the average length of a song on the Billboard 100 has decreased from over four minutes to around three…. and this is regardless of genre.Chart courtesy of the Washington PostAccording to Joe Bennett, Professor of Musicology at Berklee College of Music in the US “Song lengths have always fluctuated with technological and cultural changes. You’ve got artists and technologies working in tandem and then artists responding to other artists. … That’s how the culture and the songwriting craft evolves.”For example, the amount of music that would fit on one side of a vinyl 45 rpm single, combined with the format of traditional radio programming, established the now-familiar three-to-five-minute length. A 45-rpm single could hold only about five minutes of music. Exceeding this often meant lower sound quality.In the 80s, tapes and CDs didn’t have the time limitations of vinyl and allowed artists more flexibility in songwriting. The average song length peaked at 4 minutes 21 seconds in 1992.In 2024, streaming platforms are setting the standard. On platforms such as Spotify, artists earn royalties only if a listener stays engaged for at least 30 seconds, making songs with instantly engaging hooks dominant as it ensures that the listener doesn’t just skip on to the next song. Shorter songs encourage more replays and …you guessed it…. more replays mean more revenue.Taylor Swift has followed the trend. The average song length on her 2010 album “Speak Now” was just under 5 minutes; on her 2022 album “Midnights’ it was just over 3 minutes.This has broader implications for radio than just being able to play more songs per hour. It means that your station’s content must be COMPELLING at all times. But what does compelling actually mean? Let’s start with the dictionary definition. Something is “compelling” when it “makes you pay attention because it is so interesting and exciting.”Compelling content is not just entertaining…. compelling content makes you think…it makes you feel…. it makes you tell your friends…it makes you keep listening in case you miss any more compelling content. Compelling content captures and maintains the attention of the audience.Each song should have a great research score to make it on air, every piece of talk content should be engaging, every contest should have an entertainment value attached to it, negatives/turn offs must be minimised or eliminated…and if you don’t know what those negatives are in 2024, do some research.By David Kidd, BPR […]


Power FM and 2ST’s Cash Splash nets one lucky winner $10,000

Nowra’s Power FM and 2ST have successfully wrapped up their latest major promotion ‘Cash Splash,’ which saw one lucky listener walk away with $10,000 cash.The promotion, which ran across both ARN stations, saw hundreds of listeners register online for a chance to win.Listeners were encouraged to shop in local participating businesses and scan the QR… Read More
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