Are People Listening to More Radio? That’s “What Workers Want”

Listeners perceive themselves as listening more to local radio today than prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. That encouraging news is just one of the findings scheduled for the first of three research presentations on “What Workers Want.” The study, conducted by Point-To-Point Marketing and Strategic Solutions Research will be unveiled in a series of three […] […]


Hospital radio volunteer to cycle 97.3km for charity

Apple FM’s Chris Wareing is cycling 97.3 kilometres without leaving the site at Musgrove Park Hospital in a charity fundraiser. On Wednesday 17th April at 9am Chris will take up the challenge on the concourse with a static bike supplied by Turbo Trainer Hire. The hospital’s charity, Love Musgrove will be there for the Cycle […] […]


The Voice community radio station launches The Voice 2

The Voice in north Devon has launched a second radio station on DAB called The Voice 2. The extra service plays music from the 60s, 70s and 80s and includes local news, travel and presenters. It started at 7am today, Tuesday 9th April, covering the same area as The Voice. Managing Director Jim Trevelyan said: […] […]


GatesAir adds targeted advertising capabilities to Intraplex IP codecs and Ascent cloud platform

GatesAir, a Thomson Broadcast subsidiary dedicated to wireless content delivery, will introduce a new Intraplex software release to help broadcast networks and content syndicators efficiently manage local ad insertions through Intraplex Audio over IP and cloud networking systems. The new targeted advertising capabilities, fueled through precise metadata triggers enabled within the software, offer a compelling new reason for broadcasters to transition out of the satellite space and embrace the benefits of the cloud for bulk audio transport. GatesAir will demonstrate the new software release, available in June, at NAB Show 2024 in Las Vegas next week. GatesAir exhibits at W2730.The new software capabilities are supported on the Intraplex Ascent cloud platform and IP Link 100c, 100e and 100n Audio over IP codec solutions. GatesAir introduced Intraplex Ascent in 2019 to reduce the costs of multichannel contribution and distribution between many locations. Ascent builds in all of the features that Intraplex IP Link Audio over IP codecs are valued for and reimagines them for enterprise-level deployments that benefit from scalable, IT-oriented architectures. For broadcasters using satellite for bulk transport today, moving to a cloud platform such as Ascent means much lower long-term costs and greater control of the operation without any sacrifice to reliable program delivery.In a typical scenario, a customer’s Traffic Manager will interface with a headend-based IP Link codec or Ascent to trigger virtual metadata that activates local ads for network afilliates at defined times with exacting precision, and switch back to national programming at the conclusion of the local ad break. Triggers are scheduled within the Intraplex platform, which automates delivery to all affiliates without requirements for local manual intervention. Intraplex IP Link Audio over IP codecs or Ascent will automatically receive and activate triggers at local affiliates to manage the breaks.“Broadcasters that use satellite for program syndication and large-scale content delivery are faced with new challenges from the recent C-Band satellite repack, from diminished capacity to rising operational costs,” said Keyur Parikh, VP of Engineering, GatesAir. “Ascent’s agile cloud architecture offers the bandwidth and high availability required for enterprise-level networks that rely on satellite today, along with simple scalability to new end points at much lower costs. Our new advanced local ad insertion feature introduces an important function to Ascent and our IP Link hardware codec platforms that will compel network operators still locked into satellite to migrate their operations to the cloud.”GatesAir started rolling out its second generation of Intraplex IP Link codec solutions in 2020, including the new IP Link 100n hardware codec introduced at IBC. Receiving its North American debut, the IP Link 100n is a full-duplex, single stereo-channel codec for simultaneous reception and transmission of Audio over IP streams in STL (Studio-to-Transmitter), STS (Studio-to-Studio) and other networking applications for radio and streaming services. Same as Ascent and all IP Link products, the IP Link 100n is SRT-capable and integrated with Dynamic Stream Splicing (DSS)  technology, a GatesAir industry-first innovation nearly ten years ago, which fortifies network path redundancy across two or more live streams for hitless protection against packet and link losses.GatesAir will also preview wide-area audio networking applications that takes the Intraplex brand into new areas of content delivery outside of the broadcast space, including the retail and hospitality markets. The new applications, powered through the new software release and managed through Ascent, includes delivery of live audio streams and scheduled playlists to retail chains, hotels, restaurants and other businesses. […]


B-Dub Returns To 98.9 The Bull

Hubbard’s relaunched Country “98.9 The Bull” KPNW-FM Seattle continues to get its band back together as Bryan ‘B-Dub’ Washington returns to his former afternoon drive slot on the station. Washington joined the original iteration of the Bull in April 2020 and would remain until its flip to AAA in February 2023. During his tenure, he […] […]


Podcast advertising leading the way in receptivity, attention, and effectiveness

The Ad Bargain, a consumer study of more than 2000 Americans aged 18+ by Sounds Profitable, have looked at on the effectiveness of ad spends across TV, radio, podcasts and this year with an additional focus on YouTube and streaming CTV.The results largely show that the latter three, particularly podcast advertising, leads consumers to feel more positive about brands due to an ability to see the link between audio product creator support and the ads within.Tom Webster left Edison Research two years ago to partner with Bryan Barletta at Sounds Profitable.Webster said at the time:“Ultimately, Bryan and I have a shared vision to improve podcasting by tirelessly advocating for transparency, access, inclusion, and fair play. We want podcasts to be measured accurately and consistently.“We want the core fundamentals of the podcast business to be available to anyone who wants to learn them. We want creators and executives at the highest levels in podcasting to be as diverse as the incredible audience for podcasting. And we want podcasting companies and independents alike to be able to profit from their efforts in a fair marketplace.”The study yielded insights similar to one former CADA GM Emily Copeland conducted prior to the DAB+ station’s launch which she spoke of at this year’s Radiodays Europe convention. It also show how our feelings towards advertising and platforms we are most receptive to hearing branded messages from have changed.The Ad Bargain study showed Instagram is on top when asked, “Advertising on this media is generally the best way to reach me”. Radio is 20% behind Instagram and TikTok.Then, when you look at the relevance of the advertising to the consumer on each platform again Instagram is on top, with podcasting not far behind. This time the gap between Insta and radio is 30%.Most relevant to potential audio advertising is the next result of when the study participants were asked their willingness to consider a product or service when advertised on a certain platform. Podcasting led this, closely followed again by Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. Radio was around 50%.Further questions show that podcast listeners are more willing to purchase a product or service on a podcast because of reasons including:
Podcasts do not feel inundated with ads
Podcast ads, due to the above, are less objectionable
Listeners feel that by doing so they support the podcasts’ creators
There is some sense that podcasts protect a listener’s privacy more than YouTube or streamed TV advertising
They might go out of their way to support a product or service that similarly supports their favourite podcast
The fully study can be found here. It does appear that currently the balance between content, advertising, consumers and creators is largely working for podcasting. […]