Mix94.5 hosts do radio show naked

This morning Mix94.5’s Pete & Kymba for Breakfast spiced things up by conducting their Perth radio show naked.Inspired by John Cena’s birthday suit skit at the  Oscars, the breakfast duo decided to give it a try. With boarded up studio windows, drawn curtains and cameras off, the hosts conducted the show from two separate studios,… Read More
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KBS Unveils Future Vision at 51st Anniversary Celebration

Korean Brodcasting System (KBS) President and CEO Park Min unveiled theKBS Future Vision during the 51st anniversary celebration held at KBS headquarters in Yeouido, Seoul on March 4, 2024.The announcement detailed the reorganization of KBS into three pillars. Min emphasized the importance of preparing for the next 50 years of KBS while presenting the organization’s future vision. He announced that KBS will be reorganized into three pillars: a division dedicated to fulfilling the mission of public service broadcasting, a high-quality production studio (tentatively named Content K), and a complex broadcasting cultural space (tentatively named K Studio).Future Vision 1KBS’ primary goal is to serve as a public broadcaster by prioritizing current affairs and cultural programming, international broadcasting services, and audience engagement. This will be accomplished by maximizing the value of its TV license fee.Future Vision 2The second future vision is to establish a content production division, named Content K, which will consolidate KBS’ production capabilities. This division will create a high-quality production studio similar to the BBC Studios in the UK and will play a comprehensive role in the production, distribution, and sale of various high-quality content, including dramas and entertainment.Future Vision 3The third vision aims to build a new broadcasting and cultural complex, tentatively namedK Studio, that will serve as a hub for K-pop and K-content. This multi-faceted space will host exhibitions, performances and experiences covering all aspects of culture, from K-pop to drama, food and beauty.Min emphasized that: “The future KBS will be transformed into a comprehensive public media group integrating these three divisions, and a reorganization will be implemented in the first half of the year.”“KBS is dedicated to serving the public, even in challenging circumstances, and will further this commitment by minimizing audience inconvenience and improving the system. This includes implementing mobile ticketing for audience convenience and remodeling the KBS broadcasting tour hall, which is scheduled for September 2024. Also, KBS plans to improve communication with future generations, increase collaboration with community radio, and make KBS content more accessible to the public.” […]


Masterclass at DRM General Assembly 2024

The DRM General Assembly 2024 will be ground-breaking, attractive and innovative. For the first time the annual meeting of the DRM Consortium, together with a newly announced DRM Masterclass, will be held in the Middle East, in Dubai, UAE, on May 19-20.
Participants from all over the world will be invited on May 19 1100-1300, local time, to a “DRM Masterclass” on the DRM standard.
It will be a clear and simple presentation of the standard with plenty of time set aside for questions and brief demonstrations. The “DRM – the What, Why and How” is open to registered guests.
May 20 will be fully dedicated to the General Assembly. This will be an opportunity for the Consortium to provide a general update on all the DRM activities marking a very successful year, to invite VIPs to contribute with their views on digital radio and to involve all participants in strategic discussion sessions. All those present will have a chance during the sessions and break times to network together and meet delegates from key regions.  […]


ARN’s Power FM and 2ST wrap up Cruise Control promotion

ARN’s Power FM and 2ST have successfully completed their ‘Cruise Control’ promotion, which saw one lucky listener walk away with a $5,000 cruise voucher.The promotion, which ran across both stations, saw hundreds of listeners register online for a chance to win. Each day, a name was randomly selected and announced on air in a ‘boarding… Read More
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Reilly O’Brien returns to Max & Ali in the Morning along with newcomer Ivan Soldo

Mix102.3’s Max & Ali in the Morning has announced that Adelaide Crows player Reilly O’Brien will be returning as a regular weekly AFL contributor on the breakfast show, along with as well as Port Adelaide’s newest recruit, Ivan Soldo.Both will bring listeners behind-the-scenes insights from the Power and Crows camps. O’Brien will join the team… Read More
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Triple M’s Strawny loses his locks for charity

Triple M’s Strawny has shaved his hair for a good cause, raising much needed funds for leukaemia research with the World’s Greatest Shave.The Port Macquarie community decked out the Port City Bowling Club on Saturday to support the charity drive – and get a glimpse of Strawny’s luscious locks getting the chop. Strawny says he… Read More
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