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“Not a job, but a privilege”

Nothing – absolutely NOTHING – beats live radio.That’s the overwhelming sentiment from newly-inducted ACRAs Hall of Famer Steve ‘Pricey’ Price. As he came off stage at the 34th annual awards presentation in Sydney on Saturday night, the legendary Queensland broadcaster told Radio Today the industry continues to withstand every challenge put before it.Pricey reckons radio… Read More
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30 ACRAS for SCA

SCA won 30 ACRAs at the awards ceremony on Saturday night including Triple M Townsville’s Steve ‘Pricey’ Price OAM being inducted into the 2023 Hall of Fame. 
The post 30 ACRAS for SCA by RadioToday Network appeared first on Radio Today. […]


KOMA Fires Ronnie Kaye Over Indigenous People Day Comment

Tyler Media Classic Hits 92.5 KOMA-FM Oklahoma City terminated midday host Ronnie Kaye over comments made on air about Indigenous People Day potentially ending a 64 year radio career. KFOR-TV reports that Kaye stated last Monday, “It’s Columbus Day and Indigineous People Day. I don’t know what ‘Indigenous’ means and I don’t care.” Kaye made […] […]


FCC Report 10/15: First Two PIRATE Act Fines Upheld

Pirate Actions
The first two pirate operators to have fines proposed under the PIRATE Act in March have had their penalties upheld.

César Ayora and Luis Angel Ayora of Queens NY had been issued the maximum penalty possible of $2,316,034 for operating “Radio Impacto 2” on 91.9 and then 105.5. The Ayoras failed to respond to the original Notices of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture. The FCC notes that their certified letter was returned unopened, but the first-class mailing was not.

Luis Angel Ayora was previously issued a $20,000 fine in 2015 which he did not pay. In 2016, U.S. Marshals executed a warrant and seized their equipment, but they soon resumed operations with the FCC Enforcement Bureau noting regular operations including advertising the station for at least 25 weeks and continuing to operate to this day. The station’s website even noted that the brothers founded the first Ecuadorian FM radio station in New York City in 2008 and the site tied César to the operation whereas previously the FCC only thought Luis Angel Ayora operated the station.

An identical situation played out in La Grande OR where Thomas Barnes had an $80,000 forfeiture proposed against him for operating “Pirate Radio Eastern Oregon” on 92.3 and then 100.5. After multiple warnings from the FCC, Barnes finally ceased operation in April 2022 after the owner of the RV park where his transmitter was located was notified of the their potential liability under the PIRATE Act with the FCC using videos Barnes posted as the ‘Eastern Oregon Radio Pirate’ in their investigation. Barnes too failed to respond to the FCC’s notice.

Silent Notifications

Volunteer Broadcasting Inc.’s 89.7 WJHO Alexander City AL (Move to new studio)
First Assembly of God’s 90.9 WFAZ Goodwater AL (Move to new studio)
Lifestyle Education Academy International’s 98.5 WLSB Augusta IL (Financial difficulties)
WNET’s 88.7 WEER Montauk NY (Purchasing and installing equipment to simulcast 88.3 WLIW-FM Southampton)
Bicoastal Media’s 1440 KYVL Medford OR (Tower lease ended; towers being demolished)

AM Changes
Carlos Lopez’s 1300 KHTW Lumberton TX proposes to dismantle one of its three towers, while de-tuning another. […]


Indian government raises FM radio advertising rates

India’s Ministry of Information & Broadcasting has approved new rates for advertisements to be issued on private FM radio stations for its policies and programmes.The new rates, which have been announced after eight years, include a 43 per cent increase in the base rate taking in to account the rising costs dynamics for the period of December 2015 to March 2023. The move would benefit more than 400 community radio stations across the country.The pricing formula for finalising the advertising rates takes into account various factors such as city population and listenership data from the India Readership Survey (IRS) of 2019, said a statement issued by the Ministry.

With this increase, the Gross Base Rate for FM radio advertisement will increase from Rs 52 to Rs 74 per 10 seconds.  The adjustment is intended to maintain parity with current market rates. Based on this formula along with the enhanced base rate, almost all private FM radio stations will benefit from the new recommended rates at varying percentages depending largely on their listenership giving value for both FM stations and the clients of Central Bureau of Communication.Based on this formula the rates for 106 stations will increase by 100 percent, a 50 to 100 percent increase for 81 stations, and a less than 50 percent increase for 65 stations for which listenership data is available.The Rate Structure Committee for Private FM Radio Stations was set up by the Ministry last year to evaluate and recommend new rates which were last revised in 2015. The Committee submitted its recommendations after holdings several rounds of meetings with industry experts and stakeholders in addition to taking inputs from bodies like Association of Radio Operators of India. […]