RCS’ Keith Williams updates the rapid uptake of AI across Asia

Keith Williams, RCS Vice President Asia Pacific spoke at the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union RadioSonic conference in Kuala Lumpur last Thursday.Mr Williams presented ‘Radio Innovations’ which included an update on the rapid uptake of AI on radio across the Asia Pacific region and the latest integration of RCS Cloud products coming to marketRadioSonic is staged as part of ABU’s new programming mega-event ABU CON-FEST which strategically brings together ABU’s signature content events; ABU TV-CON, ABU RadioSonic and #ABUdigital all in one place with the vision to create a single gathering of producers to share new ideas and talk about creating content that matters. […]


Podcast Day Asia Session Spotlight: Common mistakes podcasters make in their first 5 years

Podbean’s Norma Jean Belenky helps us navigate pitfalls and avoid mistakes.Serving as Podbean’s Head of Events, Norma Jean produces Podbean’s virtual events and hosts, produces Podbean’s official podcast, Podcasting Smarter and supports Podbean’s enterprise and internal podcast customers in APAC.Belenky is a creative entrepreneur whose career has encompassed media, events, podcasting, marketing & social media, business development, project management, health & wellness, and the arts.  She specializes in event management, creative business strategy and start-ups, project management, business development, branding, marketing, and product development.Her session at Podcast Day Asia (part of Radiodays Asia) will be on the mistakes people often make that can be avoided.  Norma Jean will be giving advice on what you can do to make your podcast, or podcast network, more successful.  She will identify key areas for improvement as well as important areas that shouldn’t be overlooked.If you are just starting out on your podcasting journey, Norma Jean Belenky’s session will be vital to your growth, and if you are a seasoned podcaster or have a range of podcasts in your network you can identify key areas for improvement – often with little effort.Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash […]


Streaming Wins Heaviest Engagement Amongst Listeners Overall – While Radio & Podcasting See an Even Split With Time Spent Listening

Content from BPRAccording to BPR’s latest study on the all-audio listening environment, music streaming is seeing more of its users spending upwards of 2 hours a weekday with their preferred platform. When compared to the listening time of both radio and podcasting we can see the listenership with these mediums is more casual.A study conducted by BPR late last year, which focused on the listening habits of people from a wide range of regions and demographics, retuned some fascinating results.4500 surveys were conducted in September 2022. The study was conducted with 18-54 Men & Women, who had listened to some form of audio in the past week.As a global study, it featured 500 respondents from 9 different key international cities to give a wider perspective on the trends in audio listening across many western markets, with the results of all 9 markets averaged as the total used in this report. Those cities are:
London, United Kingdom
Berlin, Germany
Paris, France
Prague, Czech Republic
Stockholm, Sweden
Madrid, Spain
Sydney, Australia
Los Angeles, USA
New York, USA
While radio still has the wider cumulative audience, we are seeing evidence that music streaming has a stronger grip on its listeners, reflecting the changing audio environment.  Driven By the Strong TSL, Music Streaming Has the Largest Share of ListeningRadio is close behind here, but Music Streaming is now in front reflecting the shifting tides of consumer behaviour.Unsurprisingly, Streaming is much stronger in the younger end, while Radio remains dominant 35-54.We also see similar splits between Men and Women, where radio is tied for overall share with Men, while with women Streaming has the larger share.Survey information provided by the BPR All-Audio Report 2022. Download the full report here […]


Radio advertising and marketing

We live in a world where there are many ways to advertise and market your business. For example, you can advertise your online casino via social media or affiliate marketing review sites, which are usually trustworthy source for UK casinos available on the market. Through them, UK players can find top-notch online casinos that offer […] […]